Year: <span>2017</span>
Year: 2017

Spiritual Encounter

I know the agony and despair of being held captive by incessant fearful thoughts streaming inside our heads. For more than 45 years I suffered through daily agoraphobia, panic attacks, depression, fears, addictions, and physical and emotional trauma. Much to my surprise, on an icy December night in 2011, an intense physical, emotional, and spiritual encounter appeared to flip a switch within the brain, body, and mind. Here are the high points of that release: …

Blocks to Awakening

Self Inquiry is simply questioning the nature of the belief I am a separate being, with a separate and personal awareness. I’ve listed the main areas of self inquiry that I practiced on the pathless since this is a frequently asked question. Exploring these topics with the intensity of a determined and crazed seeker will eventually disconnect the many thousands of beliefs and concepts keeping the personal self stories running.  It seems inquiring appears when …

Nonduality Feels Like…

What we really are is already present, here, now, as this aware presence, this impersonal consciousness. Of course, this is not what we imagine ourselves to be. We’ve never been separate and the you that you believe you are is actually impersonal consciousness appearing as the body you call yours. It’s the same for all appearances of life. I write to describe awakening, how it feels, what it looks and feels like, and the blocks …

Body, Brain, Mind

In this age of swift advancements in brain imaging and research, science is uncovering more of the simple functioning mechanisms of the brain/mind and body. Science is dancing on the edge of validating the impersonal nature of awareness that Jesus the Christ, the Buddha, and Lao Tsu appeared to point towards. The paradoxical teachings of the ancient sages now make logical sense as science and medicine have begun to show there is no evidence for a …

Describing the Indescribable

Attempting to describe the indescribable points directly to the challenge of using the mind to explore the mind.  I have seen my mind in action and it is like a runaway train of stories, opinions, observations, and a good measure of worthless trivia.  Having seen how the mind functions, especially the thinking mind, I have much more inner peace and acceptance of that is appearing as my life.  I have also seen how the mind …

Timeless Awareness

Timeless Awareness Your true nature, your original essence is infinite, edgeless, timeless awareness so vast and unknowable and undefinable it cannot be named nor understood. Likely, you will not believe these words nor readily perceive the impersonal awareness you already are until the mystery saturates your heart and burns through the conceptual and relative brain/mind. In the ashes nothing matters nor remains…perhaps only as an edgeless inky stillness, and even these words are too many. …

What is Nonduality?

The teachings of nonduality arrived slowly into the US as the foundational teachings of Zen, Tao, Vedanta, Sufism, along with the mystical Christian teachings of Jesus the Christ, St. John of the Cross, and St. Teresa of Avila. I studied the writings of modern nonduality teachers including Ramana Maharshi, Richard Rose, Wei Wu Wei, Alan Watts, and Nisargadatta Maharaj. While they were living, these teachers spoke and wrote of the necessity to expose the illusory …