
What About Animals?

Animals do not think and do not believe they live in a relative world of subjects and objects.  Nor are animals saddled with the tendency to name, label, and claim experiences and judge or evaluate life or reality into relative buckets as humans do. Animals are in tune with the organic and primal urges moving through them – as them, as impersonal consciousness.  They live simply…and are simply being “lived” as consciousness. This is not …

The Perennial Wisdom Teachings

The Perennial Wisdom teachings, also known as non-duality teachings, or nondualism, are a collection of timeless truths contained within the major world religions and pointing to the unitive nature of perceived reality. These wisdom truths have been quietly studied, woven, and passed down through nearly all cultures. The teachings point to an impersonal oneness that has be examined, shared, and practiced by independent spiritual seekers for centuries. Based on the perennial wisdom philosophy, one perceives …

Can I Awaken?

I believed I could experience awakening.  Bart Marshall, my teacher, set me straight and let me know awakening is uncaused and spontaneous…appearing to no one and beyond the beliefs of time and space. Perhaps like me, you believe, or you want to believe, you can experience awakening…but you cannot…but this doesn’t stop seekers from longing to awaken and be present for the experience of awakening. Not going to happen. Awakening is a very simple (too simple) and …

Big Fat Liar

It’s quite paradoxical to realize that softening and yielding the heart will dissolve what appears to be hard and resistant. Backing away from untruth is difficult for a mind struggling to hold tight to what it knows. These words are easier to say than to put into daily practice. When we sense something to be hard and resistant we tend to armor and fortify in an effort to diminish the circumstance. Seldom do we see …

Blocks to Awakening

Self Inquiry is simply questioning the nature of the belief I am a separate being, with a separate and personal awareness. I’ve listed the main areas of self inquiry that I practiced on the pathless since this is a frequently asked question. Exploring these topics with the intensity of a determined and crazed seeker will eventually disconnect the many thousands of beliefs and concepts keeping the personal self stories running.  It seems inquiring appears when …

Timeless Awareness

Timeless Awareness Your true nature, your original essence is infinite, edgeless, timeless awareness so vast and unknowable and undefinable it cannot be named nor understood. Likely, you will not believe these words nor readily perceive the impersonal awareness you already are until the mystery saturates your heart and burns through the conceptual and relative brain/mind. In the ashes nothing matters nor remains…perhaps only as an edgeless inky stillness, and even these words are too many. …

Dr. Einstein

Dr. Einstein Well-trained and well-respected scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians old and new examining perception and sensory functioning in humans are mostly clueless about what is looking through their eyes. Yes, this is a bold statement. Most scientists assume their eyes are personal and individual, never exploring or questioning what’s actually looking through their eyes…at the nature of identity. Most scientists and philosophers assume that relativity is a truth, a given. Dr. Albert Einstein, skeptical of relativity …