
Anxiety as Teacher?

Seems we all have stories of how best to deal with anxiety and fear arising in the body. Those of us held hostage by chronic panic and anxiety sensations usually have compassion for others experiencing this cocktail of chemicals and hormones racing through the body. For years I was on a mission to learn and practice any tool that offered the promise of relief from panic and anxiety. As soon as I learned of a …

Contemplative Photography

What is contemplation?  Typing the word contemplation here eases my muscles a bit and slows my breathing.  Being still has a profound positive effect on our human biology and being still with a focus on a specific word or object slows our breathing, relaxes our muscles, and our blood flows more easily through the body. What is contemplation? The act or state of contemplating. Thoughtful observation or study. Meditation on spiritual matters, especially as a …

How Humans Perceive

We create the world we perceive by the beliefs and stories we hold as truths.  We believe in time and space and distance so we live in a world where these concepts seem to operate. It’s amazing, really, that our brains shape and inform our world and our minds are the reflection of our beliefs. Perception, from a scientific perspective, points to the internal comparison or exchange of information from what we are seeing and …