Update on Saturday Satangs
Update on Saturday Satangs

Update on Saturday Satangs

All Saturday Satsangs are cancelled for 2021.  We will update this site in January about our gatherings for 2022.  

Our self-inquiry gatherings are for ardent seekers of Truth.  We discuss and explore the nature of what is self-evident, here, now.  We expose and grok the illusory nature and appearance of the personal self and rest in the spaciousness of aware presence, just this, here, now.

Many of us are searching for relief from the weight of incessant thoughts in our heads. We want inner peace and calm and have forgotten the simple wonder and aliveness we felt as children before we were taught to name, label, and claim what we perceive through our senses.

We are so convinced that accumulating knowledge is beneficial. It is this knowledge that is the hindrance to seeing what is self-evident. There is nothing to be gained by investigating non-duality nor is there any gain from practicing self-inquiry.  What is is all there is and isn’t. Self-inquiry will collide with and demolish the world you were taught and programmed to believe to be real and lasting.

Optional reading:

Perfect Brilliant Stillness – David Carse
Headless Way – Douglas Harding
I Am That – Nisargardatta Maharaj

Please send us a note by email if you are joining us for the first time.
